Irrational Thinking CBT Test android app free download


Name: Irrational Thinking CBT Test
Size: 847 KB
Category: Health Fitness
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Download the app of Irrational Thinking CBT Test for your android smartphone. This Irrational Thinking CBT Test app free download is a Health Fitness app and has a size of 847 KB. It is a Irrational Thinking CBT Test apk file and you can install it on your android phone via free download from this page. It supports all latest android devices including android tablets and android phones like lollipop and marshmallow.
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apk | 847 KB
Ver 1.4, for Android OS 1.6 and up LEARN ABOUT YOURSELF & IMPROVE YOUR LIFE--TEST BASED ON COGNITIVE THERAPY LEARN ABOUT YOURSELF & IMPROVE YOUR LIFE Not For Entertainment--For Self-Help and Self-Improvement (See Terms of Use below) Please email problems or suggestions. We are listening and want to provide a quality app. This app is based upon research in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and is sponsored by a clinical psychologist. It is meant for personal assessment to aid in self-help for personal improvement. By examining your thinking styles, you can learn to change them which can reduce anxiety, depression, and unreasonable anger. In addition, you can improve your self-esteem and your relationships. CONTAINS: ***Articles The app includes articles written by a cognitive-behavioral clinical psychologist to help you understand the process of cognitive therapy and how to use it. ***Cognitive Styles Test This is a 110 item test examining 13 styles of thinking that can lead to problems in relationships, problems at work or in school, and problems coping with life stressors. These styles include: ***Anxious Style ***Self-Esteem Style ***Perfectionistic Style ***Approval-Seeking Style ***Demand Style ***Withholding Style ***Control Style ***Dependency Style ***Externalizing Style ***Emotional Style ***Passivity Style ***Trust Style ***Blaming Style This psychology test can tell you the thinking styles that cause you to act and feel the way you do. By learning what types of cognitive styles you have, you can determine what types of irrational thinking you are likely to engage in. Certain irrational thinking will create additional life problems or make it difficult to solve the problems you are confronted with. COGNITIVE DIARY This app is meant to be used with the Cognitive Diary app in which you record events that occur and determine if you engaged in any irrational thinking. If you did, it helps you to develop some statements to challenge the thinking. Once you have developed the cognitive challenges you can review them daily to help you remember to challenge the irrational thinking. By challenging your irrational thinking you can address problems more effectively. TERMS OF USE This app is not for entertainment but for furthering understanding of yourself and your relationships. There are risks to self-knowledge such as, but not limited to, emotional discomfort or confusion and making decisions that affect your life and others. You assume responsibility for these risks. The test results, audios, articles, and other info are for personal information only and should not be construed as professional advice, therapy, or instruction. There is no guarantee of validity or accuracy and no action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this information. You should consult an appropriate health professional on any matter relating to your health and well-being. You should have a proper medical diagnosis before assuming that you are experiencing any clinical conditions such as, but not limited to, depression or anxiety disorders based on any information provided here. The audios should not be listened to while driving or any other activity in which you should be alert. If you use this information to make major decisions about your life, you should use under the guidance of an experienced therapist or other professional. The app developer collects usage data to improve this app to enhance your experience. It will not be released to anyone. You may opt out of sending this data in Menu>Settings. The ads are not recommendations and do not reflect the views of ExcelAtLife.