Jealousy Test CBT Self-Help android app free download


Name: Jealousy Test CBT Self-Help
Size: 2.48 MB
Category: Health Fitness
License: Free
Downloads: 1632
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Download the app of Jealousy Test CBT Self-Help for your android smartphone. This Jealousy Test CBT Self-Help app free download is a Health Fitness app and has a size of 2.48 MB. It is a Jealousy Test CBT Self-Help apk file and you can install it on your android phone via free download from this page. It supports all latest android devices including android tablets and android phones like lollipop and marshmallow.
download Jealousy Test CBT Self-Help
apk | 2.48 MB
Ver 1.5, for Android OS 1.6 and up This app is for IRRATIONAL jealousy (due to an imagined event). It does not apply to DELUSIONAL jealousy (due to a psychosis) or to RATIONAL jealousy (due to an actual event. This app contains: ***ARTICLES*** A number of articles written by Monica A. Frank, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist who specializes in cognitive-behavioral therapy, help you understand irrational jealousy and CBT. ***WHY ARE YOU JEALOUS TEST?*** Evaluates the reasons WHY you have jealousy if you have already shown that you have a problem. However, does not determine IF you have a problem. Provides information about fears that cause irrational jealousy: Fear of Inadequacy, Fear of Feeling Bad, Fear of Loss of Ego, Fear of Loss, Fear of Being Hurt, & Fear of Vulnerability. ***AUDIOS*** Links to audios to help you challenge the irrational thinking, to retrain your emotional response, and to learn to calm yourself. Audios can also be downloaded at ***JEALOUSY COGNITIVE DIARY*** The Jealousy Cognitive Diary helps you to determine some ways to challenge the irrational thinking. Once you have done that, it is important to read the rational challenges frequently until they automatically come to mind rather than the irrational thinking. The app provides a simple way of doing this by reviewing the history of your recorded events. Also includes password protection and editing of your previous responses. DON'T FEEL HOPELESS ABOUT CHANGING YOUR LIFE AND IMPROVING YOUR RELATIONSHIP. LEARN THE METHODS SHOWN IN PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH TO BE EFFECTIVE.