Funny Jokes android app free download


Name: Funny Jokes
Size: 113 KB
Category: Social
License: Free
Downloads: 2179
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Download the app of Funny Jokes for your android smartphone. This Funny Jokes app free download is a Social app and has a size of 113 KB. It is a Funny Jokes apk file and you can install it on your android phone via free download from this page. It supports all latest android devices including android tablets and android phones like lollipop and marshmallow.
download Funny Jokes
apk | 113 KB
Ver 2.1, for Android OS 2.1 and up Did you ever wonder where all those bad jokes and 'funny' stories people e-mail to you go to die? Well, you've found it. This is the e-joke graveyard - it's a sort of warehouse for all the jokes people forward to us. We've saved the best, and worst, jokes people have e-mailed to us over the years and we will gradually be interring them on this site for future generations to enjoy. Our funnies, and not-so-funnies, are arranged into approximate categories just to create the illusion of order. we will update many jokes every day!enjoy it! Jokes is good for health.Let's joke!