myClock Beta - Alarm Clock Ad-free android app free download


Name: myClock Beta - Alarm Clock Ad-free
Size: 1.43 MB
Category: System Tools
License: Free
Downloads: 1759
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Download the app of myClock Beta - Alarm Clock Ad-free for your android smartphone. This myClock Beta - Alarm Clock Ad-free app free download is a System Tools app and has a size of 1.43 MB. It is a myClock Beta - Alarm Clock Ad-free apk file and you can install it on your android phone via free download from this page. It supports all latest android devices including android tablets and android phones like lollipop and marshmallow.
download myClock Beta - Alarm Clock Ad-free
apk | 1.43 MB
Ver 1.7.3, for Android Overview: myClock, the best alarm and desk clock you can find for Android!A really nice looking desk and alarm clock app! To snooze or close a alarm just swype up and push a button. The alarm alert can even show weather information if you use the weather alarm type! It even have widgets!You can customize the apps color and many functions so you can get it to work as you want it! Things like the optional math problem to dismiss or shake the phone to snooze/dismiss and much much more!!I got a comment about the alarm not working when the phone is off but what I know not even the original alarm works that way and there is no way for me to execute code when the phone is off! So don't give me any bad ratings on stuff that isn't possible I don't comment other apps and give them bad ratings because they cant make my breakfast!