ShSh software aTAKEphONE android app free download


Name: ShSh software aTAKEphONE
Size: 379 KB
Category: System Tools
License: Free
Downloads: 4737
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Download the app of ShSh software aTAKEphONE for your android smartphone. This ShSh software aTAKEphONE app free download is a System Tools app and has a size of 379 KB. It is a ShSh software aTAKEphONE apk file and you can install it on your android phone via free download from this page. It supports all latest android devices including android tablets and android phones like lollipop and marshmallow.
download ShSh software aTAKEphONE
apk | 379 KB
Ver v1.2.3.004 Cracked, for Android TAKEphONE will change the way you use your phone to make calls - no more having to open the G1 keyboard to search for contacts, or fiddling with the tiny on-screen keyboard buttons, fast & easy access to all your favorites, call-log and even a dial-by-photo feature ! - Search company (!) and notes (!) fields. - Show call history for a contact/number. - Search (filter) call log list by text. - Jump to a specific date in the call log. - Schedule calls as entries in your Calendar. - Coming soon: send contact details via SMS (as vCards) using avCards. *** New in 1.23 *** - Numbers lookup. - Transparent skin. - Handle 'x' in numbers. - Many more tweaks. *** New in 1.22 *** - Automatically clears 'Missed call/s' notification. - Added option (see application settings) to show a landscape keypad even when hardware keyboard is closed (for use in car cradles). - Added option to show a 'Call' button at the bottom (on the current selected tab) to make calling easier (off by default, turn on in settings). - Added option to move the 'BkSp' button down to the keypad to make using it easier (off by default, turn on in settings). - Many more tweaks. *** Read reviews here... *** "Find/Dial" tab: - Large (and I mean LARGE) on-screen buttons, always on screen at the start ("Search") screen. - Tap a phone number using those large buttons to manually dial it or to add it to an existing/new contact. - Search for contact in a super fast & sophisticated way - using a T9-like mechanism (e.g. to search for "John" simply tap the "JKL", "MNO", "GHI", "MNO" buttons). - Search words within fields, or even free text within words. - Even more - you can use the "...and..." button (tap & HOLD the '*' button) to combine fields (e.g. enter "" to search for "John Doe"). - You can even speed-dial the first 9 favorite entries of TAKEphONE right from the main screen by tapping & holding the 1-9 on-screen button. - Hot: you can have all favorites with pictures show up in the main screen for 'Dial by photo' operation. "Speed Dial" tab: - Unlimited favorite entries arranged in pages of 5x2 (or 3x3 in landscape mode) large buttons for easy dialing. - Tap and HOLD a button to open functions menu - allowing dialing of other phone fields for that contact, or starting an SMS message, etc. - Add entries from the main "Find/Dial" tab. - You can import all your built-in favorites from the menu. "Recents" tab: - A list of the last outgoing calls for easy redialing. - Ordered so that the last made call is always on top. - More features (such as filtering, going to a specific day etc.) to come. TAKEphONE makes using your device as a phone as fast & easy as it can be.