SwipePad Beta + Tasking a SwipePad add-on android app free download


Name: SwipePad Beta + Tasking a SwipePad add-on
Size: 83 KB
Category: System Tools
License: Free
Downloads: 1869
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Download the app of SwipePad Beta + Tasking a SwipePad add-on for your android smartphone. This SwipePad Beta + Tasking a SwipePad add-on app free download is a System Tools app and has a size of 83 KB. It is a SwipePad Beta + Tasking a SwipePad add-on apk file and you can install it on your android phone via free download from this page. It supports all latest android devices including android tablets and android phones like lollipop and marshmallow.
download SwipePad Beta + Tasking a SwipePad add-on
apk | 83 KB
Ver 0.7.5+0.8.1, for Android Overview: SwipePad is a launcher panel responding to a swipe on the edge of your phone screen, no matter what application you are in. Creates 12 shortcuts for hyperspace jump SwipePad is a launcher panel responding to a swipe on the edge of your phone screen, no matter what application you are in. 1. Touch down the bottom edge of the screen; 2. Move your finger towards the center of the screen so the pad will emerge; 3. Release your finger on a specific slot to action. Hold your finger on a specific slot for 2 seconds before releasing (until it turns orange), then you could change the assignment.