Signature Capture android app free download


Name: Signature Capture
Size: 40 KB
Category: Books Reference
License: Free
Downloads: 1675
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Download the app of Signature Capture for your android smartphone. This Signature Capture app free download is a Books Reference app and has a size of 40 KB. It is a Signature Capture apk file and you can install it on your android phone via free download from this page. It supports all latest android devices including android tablets and android phones like lollipop and marshmallow.
download Signature Capture
apk | 40 KB
Ver 5.1, for Android OS 1.5 and up Electronic signature capture *library*. *** READ THIS BEFORE INSTALLING APPLICATION!!! *** Sign by touching the screen. Electronic signature capture *library*. LIBRARY, not an application. It's purpose is to be included in Android application. Start as a normal app for demo. Requires internet connection. When used from external app saves/exports up to 5 signatures per week. Check website for integration instructions. For signature sharing check our other application 'Signature Share'. For PDF signing check out our other application 'Fill and Sign PDF Forms'. For other commercial purposes contact support e-mail. If you are an Android developer and you would like to request a new feature, you can do it here: