Half-Life android game free download


Name: Half-Life
Size: 402 KB
Category: Action
License: Free
Downloads: 4818
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Download the game of Half-Life for your android smartphone. This Half-Life game free download is a Action game and has a size of 402 KB. It is a Half-Life apk file and you can install it on your android phone via free download from this page. It supports all latest android devices including android tablets and android phones like lollipop and marshmallow.
download Half-Life
apk | 402 KB
3D game, for android 2.2 and higher Half Life – one of the most popular shooters from the first person still in 90es, now it appeared on Android. Thanks to this game there was a genre of science-fiction shooters from the first person. In the game all levels are from the original version, monsters, quests, and textures, almost any differences are kept in the most part. The acting character of the game — a young talented research associate Gordon Freeman working in laboratory of abnormal materials. Possessing the average level of the admission, the scientist doesn't suspect what dangers his forthcoming work conceals. Once in the morning Gordon is sent to the test camera for carrying out the standard analysis of a crystal. Experiment consequences, however, are catastrophic. Game demands cache downloading. How to install a game with cache? Installation: 1) At first install the game; 2) Then toy can send cache of the game on a memory card; 3) Start apk and specify the full way for any pack from this cache; First time the game will be started about a minute. If it takes off after the second loading, begin from the beginning, download save and throw in the ID1 folder, in game press to continue the game. half-life free android game youtube video