Meporter Local News Desk android app free download


Name: Meporter Local News Desk
Size: 1.73 MB
Category: News Magazines
License: Free
Downloads: 2143
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Download the app of Meporter Local News Desk for your android smartphone. This Meporter Local News Desk app free download is a News Magazines app and has a size of 1.73 MB. It is a Meporter Local News Desk apk file and you can install it on your android phone via free download from this page. It supports all latest android devices including android tablets and android phones like lollipop and marshmallow.
download Meporter Local News Desk
apk | 1.73 MB
Ver 1.3, for android 2.2 and up Meporter is a news app that lets you write, photograph and video local news. Everyone knows that nothing gets stale as fast as yesterday's news. Welcome to Meporter, a location-based news app that enables you to write, photograph and video your local news as it breaks. But that's not all. Meporter makes the stories available to anyone in the world with a mobile phone or an Internet connection. When you witness breaking news - anything from weather to traffic, from nightlife to local politics, from a hot new restaurant to a cool new real estate opportunity - simply use your Android Phone or Tablet to take a picture or make a video, write up your story, add a headline, and post it for the world to see. With Meporter you can post and distribute news live, on location. Capture what's happening - from professional sports to your kid's little league game, from concerts and festivals to car wrecks and crimes. Say you're driving through town and you witness news happening - an accident, a tornado, a fire or even a crime in progress. Snap a picture or record a video, create a headline and write the news story (there's no character limit). Then, simply log into Meporter to confirm your location. Select a category for your story and in just seconds you can publish it as local news on your Facebook news feed, your Twitter account, as well as on Meporter. When you post local news on Meporter you earn rewards (i.e. Press Passes) for posting your first story, posting to specific categories and more. Be a newsie, collect Meporter press passes and gain street cred. Why wait for "details at 11" when you can show the world what's happening where you are, in real time, as events unfold! Show off your reporting skills. Be your own local news desk. Meporter makes you the Reporter!