Applanet STATUS Check android app free download


Name: Applanet STATUS Check
Size: 147 KB
Category: Social
License: Free
Downloads: 7656
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Download the app of Applanet STATUS Check for your android smartphone. This Applanet STATUS Check app free download is a Social app and has a size of 147 KB. It is a Applanet STATUS Check apk file and you can install it on your android phone via free download from this page. It supports all latest android devices including android tablets and android phones like lollipop and marshmallow.
download Applanet STATUS Check
apk | 147 KB
Ver 0.21.13285.42464, for android 2.1 and up Share it! Here is a simply aplication! If you need to view the Applanet Status of the server or web, you only need to click the icon! ADDED SOCIAL FEATURES Today (07/02/2012) the app works perfectly. You need Adobe Flash and Android 2.1 or + to run the app. Any question contact me ;-D I hope that you enjoy this app! Rate it!! Driode