Gadgetbar Toolbar for Internet Explorer

version | windows

Name: Gadgetbar Toolbar for Internet Explorer
Size: 2.72 MB
Category: Add-ons & Plugins
License: Free
Released: 2007-09-26
Developer: I.g. Headquarters
Downloads: 868
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exe | 2.72 MB
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The Gadgetbar Toolbar helps protect your computer with powerful anti-virus & internet security scans, tune ups, PC fixes, firewall attack tracking, email protection & more. It doesn't spy on browsing habits, launch pop-up or pop-under advertisements, it doesn't hijack searches or modify pages you visit, it doesn't block uninstallation or create security holes & it will not make it easier for other people or programs to access your computer. It does not sell, rent or give your email address or other personal information & comes with powerful Spyware Scans, Registry Cleaner Scan, Disk Cleanup Scan, Disk Fragmentation Scan, Open Ports Scan, Cookie Cleaner, History Cleaner, Cache Cleaner, E-mail Notifier, Search Engines, Free PC Tools, free TV & movies Online, Computer Safety Scans, Toolbar Radio, Firewall Tests & Software, Popup Blocker Tests, Secure Chat Room, & Create-a-Ecard Functions. The "INFINITY BUTTON" allows you to randomly access Web sites across the net, visiting places you've never before seen. The DeepSight Analyzer gives you the ability to track & manage attacks on your PC. VCatch program ensures your email safety. Bootminder provides protection against boot-viruses. Virus A - Z glossaries as well as exposed Hoaxes, Fake Security issues, Myths, Legends & stories. Mailwasher is an anti spam software, the easy way to check & manage your e-mails before you download them, plus - Mailcontrol, for fighting viruses that use email as their primary infection mechanism. The "Hacker Whacker" for testing & detecting openings & weaknesses on your PC to help you protect yourself from Hackers. Using 'Leaktest" To aid in the exploration of product strengths & weaknesses in your PC & more! Gadgetbar is designed to help protect your PC & preserve it by offering the greatest functional programs available. These programs are free if used through the Gadgetbar, but may cost if purchased separately. The Gadgetbar is your link to having a better running computer.